
Forro is a end-to-end encrypted contract form based on PGP.
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Forro is an end-to-end encrypted contact form application for web browsers.

It is written in pure javascript using the alpinejs framework.

It uses PGP (openpgpjs) for signatures and encryption.




Simple serve the repository root directory with a web server, e.g. webfsd

User interface

The application consists of only two pages.

Key unlock screen

Session storage is checked for an existing key from a previous visit. If none is found, a new PGP key is created. Upon key creation, the user chooses whether or not to provide a passphrase to encrypt the key in storage.

Main screen

All functionality is contained within a single page.

It contains:

Data format

The data is submitted in MIME Multipart format.

The sha256 of the MIME Multipart part that contains the submitted data is signed by the PGP key, and a MIME signature part is added to the message.

The submitted content can be viewed by any email client application.

The signature can also be verified by any email application that provides this feature, or can of course be separately verified using gnupg tools.



Forro will load settings from settings.json in the same HTTP path as the application files are hosted.

The available settings are:

Data endpoint

This prototype makes use of the wala service, which returns a reference to the content submitted.

The host is defined by the data_endpoint settings in the configuration.

The submitted content is signed with the client's PGP key. The reference to the content is a sum of the digest of the content aswell as the key used to sign the content.

See the wala code for a description on how to submit content in a similar manner using the CLI.
