
Monitor and cache ethereum transactions with match filters
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eth-monitor.overrides (2255B)

      1 input	Add an address of interest to inputs (recipients) array. Complements \fB--address-file\fP.	--input	address
      2 output	Add an address of interest to outputs (sender) array. Complements \fB--address-file\fP.	--output	address
      3 exec	Add an address of interest to executable address array. Complements \fB--address-file\fP.	--exec	address
      4 address	Add an address of interest to match any role. Complements \fB--address-file\fP.	--address	address
      5 txhash	Add a tx hash of interest to match	--txhash	hash
      6 xinput	Add an address of disinterest to inputs (recipients) array.	--x-input	address
      7 xoutput	Add an address of disinterest to outputs (sender) array.	--x-output	address
      8 xexec	Add an address of disinterest to executable address array.	--x-exec	address
      9 xaddress	Add an address of interest to match any role.	--x-address	address
     10 xtxhash	Add a tx hash of disinterest to match	--x-txhash	hash
     11 includedefault	Match all addresses by default. Addresses may be excluded using --excludes-file. If this is set, --input, --output, --exec and --includes-file will have no effect.	--include-default	
     12 includesfile	Load address include matching rules from file. See \fBMATCHING ADDRESSES\fP.	--includes-file	file
     13 excludesfile	Load address exclude matching rules from file. See \fBMATCHING ADDRESSES\fP.	--excludes-file	file
     14 storetx	Store transaction data in cache for matching transactions. Requires \fB--cache-dir\fP.	--store-tx-data	
     15 storeblock	Store block data in cache for matching transactions. Requires \fB--cache-dir\fP.	--store-block-data	
     16 renderer	Add output renderer filter to all matched transactions. The argument must be a python module path. Several renderers may be added by supplying the option multiple times. See \fBRENDERERS\fP section of \fBeth-monitor (1)\fP for more details.	--renderer	module
     17 filter	Add code execution filter to all matched transactions. The argument must be a python module path. Several filters may be added by supplying the option multiple times. Filters will be executed in the order the options are given. See \fBDEFINING FILTERS\fP section of \fBeth-monitor (1)\fP for more details.	--filter	module
     18 context_key	Add a key-value pair that gets passed to the syncer context. May be specified several times.	--context-key	key=value