Importer plugin for other issue trackers
Fix truncate of data, possibly when changing state to same state
Failing mod command may corrupt state transition for entry making it disappear
Fingerprint and sign core issue data updates
Add --accept flag to add to skip proposal state
Enable modify alias
Add issue tracker metadata
Handle arg-like dashes in title
Allow numbers in tags
Generate missing single tags from composites
Using tags not yet existing sporadically crashes
Add author field to issue
Subcommand help shows subcommand choices like top-level help
Create man file
Avoid dir creation for command show in invalid path
Crash when resume with composite states whose elements do not exist
Auto-generate UNTAGGED entries for states without tags
Help breaks citing missing subcommand for top level command
Render HTML produces duplicate data
Clean empty tag directories on tag change
Location specified in cli should expect .piknik subdirectory